Friday, January 7, 2011

Behind already... tsk tsk tsk

Ok, since the last post, we've had Chicken stew with carrots and turnips and Cowboy beans.  Tonight we had New Orleans Pasta (supposed to be with chicken...  we had ours with chorizo and mushrooms).

The votes:

Chicken stew with carrots and turnips-- we both LOVED this one.  I used the carrots and turnips from our CSA box and they were fantastic!  Lots more flavor than the ones we get from the store.  It was the first time I've ever had turnips.  They reminded me of potatoes flavor-wise.  We ate it over couscous.  Huz ate the leftovers the next day.  Super luscious... I had to use ground cinnamon instead of a stick (didn't have any).  I also forgot to use our cilantro, which was a bummer...  Didn't do the almonds either....

Cowboy Beans--  This was a good meal.  Soupier than chili, but similar flavor.  I had mine with sour cream the first night and cheese the next day.  It was delicious both ways!  I erred on the side of caution with salt/Tabasco, so it was a bit bland straight from the pot.  Added a bit more of each and it was better.  Huz added plenty of Tabasco, but that's typical of pretty much anything I make.  Definitely something we'll be having again!  I used a pepper from the box.

New Orleans Pasta--  This one was just meh for me.  I think I would have liked it better without the chorizo.  Chicken would be really good in it.  I just wasn't thrilled with the texture/spices in the sauce the way I made it.  Huz loved it though!  We'll try it again another time, following the recipe carefully.  We used the green onions from the CSA box for this one.

Huz has also been eating salads made with the CSA box lettuce all week.  It's so nice and crisp, but still tender.  Definitely the best lettuce we've ever had!

At this point, we have 6 days til I pick up our next box of veggies and we're down to a head of cabbage, some broccoli, and a head of cauliflower.  Not too bad for a little over a week!  We'll definitely be able to eat everything we get without needing much extra from the store.

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